Our Mission
Again Jesus said, “Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.” And with that he breathed on them and said, “Receive the Holy Spirit.
John 20:21 – 22
Worship is integral to all we do. It is through worship that we develop intimacy with God. It is from that place of intimacy, full of the Holy Spirit that we venture into the world to participate in God’s mission.
Our aim is to continue Jesus’ commission to:
Preach the gospel to the poor
Heal the broken hearted
Bring recovery of sight to the blind
Proclaim liberty to captives
Set at liberty those who are oppressed
- Luke 4:18
By providing the space, time and rhythm of worship and prayer, we support and encourage others in the development and deepening of relationship with God. So that, energised and equipped by the Holy Spirit, they are better able to serve in the place and ministry to which God has called them.
We invite our communities to personally encounter and experience the healing, restorative work of the Holy Spirit in their lives. We work to provide adults, young people and children with the time and space to reflect upon and deepen their spiritual awareness. We enable and support this by using Quiet Zones in both primary and secondary school communities and other public spaces. We also work in close relationship with the Bridgebuilder Trust MK.