Rev. Charmaine Howard
rev. charmaine howard
Having trained at Regents Park College Oxford, I have been a Baptist Minister for 10 years. Seven of those years were spent as Pastor at Northolt Park Baptist Church. For the past 3 years, my husband, John, and I have been walking with God, pursuing and exploring what we perceive to be God’s call on our lives for this season. The journey continues and building Milton Keynes House of Prayer is one of its outcomes.
I am passionate about helping people grow and this includes emotional and spiritual growth and wellbeing. I want people to experience and encounter the liberating and healing power of Jesus, so that they know the peace and joy that transcends their situations and circumstances. In the midst of the struggles and strains, doubts, fears and uncertainties of modern living, I want to offer people the opportunity to meet my Lord Jesus – allowing him to lighten their load.
John Howard
john howard
When my wife, Charmaine, was called to pastorate at Northolt, I answered a call to minister as a Chaplain at Heathrow Airport where I served in Terminal 5 with British Airways. This was an extraordinary time when I experienced God doing miraculous things on an almost daily basis. I learned the importance of relying totally on Him and seeking His guidance in all things. Again and again I met with people who were seeking God but did not have time to find Him!
When God called us back to Milton Keynes, I was very clear that our role was to create a context in which the busyness of the world could be slowed and time created for listening to God. The idea of a House of Prayer was growing and God was showing us how to make it a reality. God loves each and every one of us and wants the best for us. Unfortunately so many of us are so involved in the pace of modern life that priorities become confused and lost. My hope for Milton Keynes House of Prayer is that it gives opportunity to stop, reflect, seek the face of God and rediscover true joy.
Ayo Audu
Don't let the stern demeanor put you off. I smile. And when I am not smiling, I am enjoying a private joke which usually ends up on my face - in a smile. So look the beyond the image to the person behind it.
In a similar vein, I am persuaded we have to look beyond our preconceptions in order to meet God. And worship is our path to meeting God. In worship, the veil that obscures falls away revealing His grace and mercy.
Happiness for me is helping people find God. Usually, this involves good conversation and food! I have been involved in various expressions of church and now excited at watching God draw people to himself through the Milton Keynes House of Prayer.